Ogliera Beach in Pomonte
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The village of Pomonte

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Pomonte, Island of Elba
The wrack of Pomonte
Extreme West

Delightfully in Pomonte

Pomonte is a charming destination worth visiting for several reasons: its stunning beaches and cliffs, with the submerged shipwreck close to the shore, perfect for snorkelling enthusiasts; the valley leading up to Monte Capanne, a paradise for hikers; the village's laid-back atmosphere, ideal for a peaceful and rejuvenating holiday; and the fantastic sunsets over Corsica, enchanting with their myriad colours.

The essence of Pomonte is reflected in its untamed beauty, where every detail feels like a work of art and where human touch has carved out a place for itself without harming nature. The typically Mediterranean houses blend seamlessly with the pebbles smoothed by the waves, creating a picturesque scene that captivates visitors. The Via del Mare is lined with gnarled tamarisk trees that seem to bow to the magnificent sunset, lending a timeless quality to the landscape.

Why you should choose Pomonte for your holiday

The coast of Pomonte is defined by dramatic cliffs plunging into the sea, interspersed with several small pebble and gravel beaches that stretch from the village to the left. Most of these beaches are public, except for the one at Ogliera, which has a small beach club and bar next to the wreck of the Elviscott, a cargo ship that sank in 1972 at a depth of just 16 metres and has become a popular spot for divers. Not forgetting that a few kilometres away are the magnificent sandy beaches of Fetovaia, Seccheto and Cavoli.

The Pomonte valley, the island's largest, is renowned among hikers for its scenic beauty. It still features ancient, terraced vineyards, reflecting a rural tradition that blends seamlessly with tourism. Streams and rivulets create charming pools and waterfalls, leading up to Monte Capanne, the island's highest peak at 1,019 metres, offering breathtaking views over the Tuscan Archipelago

One of the most appealing aspects of Pomonte is how easily visitors can connect with the locals. Tourists quickly feel part of the community, enjoying a warm, relaxed atmosphere that makes them feel right at home.

Pomonte, Island of Elba
  • Services

    The village has all the essentials, including a bank, pharmacy, bar, restaurants, a church, a mini-market, public assistance, a tourist medical centre, a grocery store, a newsagent with tobacco products, a bazaar, and a diving centre.

  • A permanent exposition

    Pomonte pays tribute to Silvano (Nano) Campeggi, the celebrated Florentine painter and cinema poster artist who loved holidaying here, with a permanent outdoor exhibition of his illustrations featuring Napoleon and his family.

Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Elviscott Wrack, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Pomonte, Elba Island
Elviscott Wrack, Elba Island
Ristorante L'Ogliera, Elba Island
Ristorante L'Ogliera, Elba Island

The real ones ...

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